13:04 21.07.2016

Ukraine's border service reports 54th Russian 'humanitarian convoy' heading for Donbas

1 min read
Ukraine's border service reports 54th Russian 'humanitarian convoy' heading for Donbas

Russia unilaterally formed the next, 54th "humanitarian convoy" on Thursday, after which it entered Ukrainian territory in the east being controlled by illegal armed formations, the Ukrainian State Border Service reported.

"It must be noted that the movement of the "humanitarian convoy" proceeded with gross violations of international and Ukrainian laws and the modalities, which were coordinated with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Therefore, the Ukrainian interdepartmental group was only visually monitoring [its relocation] without executing control functions," the border watchdog said.

All in all, 54 trucks forming the convoy crossed the Russian checkpoint of Matveyev Kurgan to enter Ukraine from 06:30 to 07.05 on Thursday. "The visual monitoring let [the Ukrainian border guards] establish that the vehicles were carrying goods, medicines, sports equipment and musical instruments. As was the case before, the trucks were almost half-empty, being loaded by at least 35%," the authorities said.