Health ministry, insulin producers sign memo of understanding

The Health Ministry of Ukraine and some companies that produce insulin have signed a memorandum of understanding, which defines the procedure for joint actions on the provision of Ukrainian population with medicines and the successful realization of the pilot project on the introduction of the state regulation of prices of insulin.
The press service of the Health Ministry reported that insulin producers take liabilities to guarantee that production and/or imports of insulin is not reduced in 2016 compared to the volumes of 2014-2015, provide a wide range of insulin products of the proper quality on the domestic pharmaceutical market and timely satisfy demand of consumers, take measures to sign agreements with companies that sell medicines to satisfy the needs of pharmacies in full and provide for the formation of the transparent competitive environment on the basis of observation of antimonopoly laws of Ukraine.
The Health Ministry is obliged to attract representatives of pharmaceutical manufacturers and nongovernmental professional pharmaceutical associations into working groups to hold meetings, consultations and roundtable on the cabinet decisions regarding the improvement of the implementation of the pilot project, and provide for the observation of the requirement on the realization of the pilot project on reimbursement of the cost of insulin products.
The ministry said that it will revise the level of reference prices approved if the currency exchange rate changes within the current month by over than 10% before 10 day of the next month under Ukrainian law.
CJSC Farmak, CJSC Indar, Sanofi-Aventis Ukraine LLC, Bioton S.A. (Poland), Eli Lilly Vostok S.A., Novo Nordisk A/T (Denmark) and Pharma Life LLC signed the document.