Peaceful political settlement of Donbas conflict still far away– German and French foreign chiefs

Foreign Ministers of Germany and France, Frank Walter-Steinmeier and Jean-Marc Ayrault, have stressed that the Minsk agreements are the only path to bringing peace to Ukraine, however the conflict hasn't been yet resolved by peaceful political means.
"The struggle for the right political course in Ukraine is the subject of close attention not only for people inside Ukraine, but all over the world. Everyone who takes the floor in the Verkhovna Rada or appeals to Ukrainians should know that he or she simultaneously speaks to the European public. Ukraine is now facing unprecedented challenges. Its sovereignty is questioned by the neighboring state in a manner that many thought was impossible in the XXI century Europe," German and French foreign chiefs wrote in their joint article issued by Yevropeiska Pravda (European Truth) online publication on Monday.
The ministers also deplored the fact that they were still far from a peaceful, political solution to the conflict.
"Even 12 months after the adoption of the Minsk agreements their implementation remains a complicated task. However, it is extremely important for Ukraine's future and stability. Since Minsk agreements are the only way to ensure that Ukraine restores its sovereignty over its entire territory and can finally live in peace," Steinmeier and Ayrault said.