11:38 11.12.2015

Rada adopts new version of bill on public service with 261 votes in favor

3 min read
Rada adopts new version of bill on public service with 261 votes in favor

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has passed a bill on public service, which foresees reforming of this sector.

As a correspondent of Interfax-Ukraine reported, a total of 261 MPs backed bill No. 2490 at second reading during the parliament's session on Thursday.

The document regulates relations when recruiting on public service, running the service and dropping it, and determines the legal status of the public servant.

During the presentation of law, member of the parliamentary committee on state building, regional policy and local self-government Aliona Shkrum said that law introduces an institute of state secretaries of the ministries.

"A post of the secretary at the ministries means a public servant of the high rank who will govern the staff at the ministry," she said.

She said that posts are removed from the public service.

The bill applies to public servants of the secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and other central executive power agencies, local administrations, Prosecutor General's Office, military administrations, foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine and other public agencies.

The bill does not apply to the president, head of the presidential administration, his/her deputies, cabinet members, deputy ministries, heads and members of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, Central Election Commission and other state collegiate authorities.

The bill does not apply to secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, MPs, servants of the National Bank of Ukraine, lawmakers of local councils, judges, prosecutors, military servicemen, law enforcers and employees of the foster services.

The public service ranks are divided into three tiers – A (senior civil corps), B and C (depending on the appointment procedure, powers and skills required for fulfilling them.

The legal status of the public servants, their rights and liabilities are outlined. According to the document, A tier public servants cannot be members of any political party.

The creation of the commission for the senior civil corps is foreseen. The commission will be formed at an open tender.

According to the document, persons who have reached the age of 65 cannot fill in applications for public service posts.

The source of forming the wage fund of public servants is the national budget and funds sent to the budget under programs of the EU, international financial organizations, donors and governments of other countries.

She said that the document will take effect on May 1, 2016.