Poroshenko vows to ensure faster probes into corruption cases

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has said it is crucial that corruption cases are fully investigated in the shortest possible time, and that they must be considered by the courts.
"I'm completely dissatisfied when the affairs of the corruption violators taking months and even years. Certainly, we can't ignore fair and unbiased courts, but an investigation can't take so long. If a person was detained for a bribe, [if they were] caught red-handed, the possibilities provided by the lawmakers, politically, will demonstrated by me as a president, [and I will] set all necessary conditions for the investigation to be completed as soon as possible and considered by the courts," Poroshenko said while speaking to the new detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau in Kyiv on Tuesday.
He said that this week, a decision must be taken "on no alternative detention of senior officials for the term that allows, operatively, carrying out an investigation and to jail bribe takers."
Poroshenko went on to say that it is crucial "to prevent outflow of information to the bribe takers from the court system for money, which give them an opportunity to evade responsibility."