State border service: 550 km of fortifications, 180 km of antitank ditches placed on border with Russia

The State Border Service of Ukraine has reported on the construction of fortifications on the Ukrainian-Russian border.
"Today 180 kilometers of antitank ditches, 546 kilometers of fortifications, 39 kilometers of barbed wire, 175 trench shelters and 897 trenches have been equipped, six new watchtowers have been installed," First Deputy Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine Vasyl Servatiuk said at a cabinet meeting.
He said that work is being carried out in Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions. Four companies-contractors and seven subcontracting parties are working on the border constructions.
He added that documents have been approved and permits have been received for work at 11 facilities in Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions.
He said that the plans for 2015 would be fulfilled, in particular seven strong points, 90 kilometers of barriers, 214 kilometers of lateral routes and 380 kilometers of antitank ditches will be built.
There are also plans to install 24 watchtowers, two combat modules, and to develop seven new units.