14:19 12.08.2015

Farmers won't have ammonium nitrate for autumn sowing campaign - Cherkasy Azot

2 min read

Ukrainian farmers will have no ammonium nitrate for the autumn sowing campaign, Chairman of PJSC Azot (Cherkasy, part of Ostchem Group belonging to Dmytro Firtash) Vitaliy Skliarov has said.

"We cooperate with farmers, large agricultural holdings. The situation with the autumn sowing campaign is catastrophic. Without the launch of Cherkasy Azot and Rivneazot the Ukrainian agribusiness will remain completely without mineral fertilizers for the autumn sowing campaign of 2015 and next year we will see a significant reduction in yields and a food deficit," he said.

According to Skliarov, the cancellation of fees for Russian mineral fertilizers is not the solution to the problem.

"Even if duties for Russian producers are cancelled, it will not resolve the problem because they do not have sufficient volumes. The season began in Russia, there are restrictions on exports of fertilizers. In addition, Russian importers do not have adequate infrastructure in Ukraine for the sale of fertilizers: there is no sufficient amount of mineral carriers - rail transport, which promptly delivers all necessary amounts, there are no distribution warehouses, no machinery for fertilization," the press service said citing the Azot head.

Skliarov is confident that Russian importers' coming to the Ukrainian market will lead to the fact that the key Ukrainian chemical enterprises won't be launched.