10:28 09.07.2015

Parliament should formally let regional authorities destroy smuggled excisable goods – Poroshenko

1 min read
Parliament should formally let regional authorities destroy smuggled excisable goods – Poroshenko

Parliament should formally let regional authorities destroy smuggled excisable goods – Poroshenko

KYIV. July 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko insists that local governments should be authorized to destroy the excisable goods smuggled into Ukraine.

"Excisable goods, mainly vodka, other strong drinks and tobacco, were used to be scrapped in the regions. And Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada should formalize the authority to destroy them in the regions rather than to supposedly arrest excisable goods, which for some reason appear on the markets of Donetsk or Kyiv then," he said at a meeting with regional governors and law enforcement agencies in Odesa on Wednesday.