18:04 24.02.2015

Military prosecutors report Azarov for illegally stopping checks of Antonov enterprise

1 min read

Investigators from the main military prosecutor's office on February 18 reported former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov for abuse of office which entailed serious consequences.

"As a result of the official investigation initiated by the military prosecutor's office and conducted by the Cabinet of Ministers commission, it was found out that Azarov, when holding the post of Ukrainian Prime Minister, in autumn 2012 illegally stopped checks conducted by the governmental interagency group, which found significant violations of budget legislation in the activities of Antonov state enterprise: funds, received from the commercial use of Ruslan aircraft, remained in the accounts of two foreign companies and the state company representative and were used by them at their own discretion," the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement.

As a result of Azarov’s actions, as well as his failure to provide the state with corporate rights to dividends, the state suffered damage in excess of UAH 37 million, which was confirmed by evidence obtained during the investigation.

The court satisfied the prosecutor's office petition regarding pre-trial restrictions for Azarov in the form of remand in custody.