09:27 16.02.2015

Normandy quartet: Ceasefire must be observed all along line of contact

1 min read
Normandy quartet: Ceasefire must be observed all along line of contact

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has held telephone talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Poroshenko's press service said in a statement.

"The Normandy format's joint position is: the ceasefire must apply to the entire line of contact, including the parts in the Debaltseve area," the statement says.

Poroshenko made a point that complete and unconditional ceasefire is required for the military hardware and heavy weaponry withdrawal.

"Poroshenko, Merkel, Hollande and Putin said that conditions must be created for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission's work in Debaltseve of the Donetsk region to monitor and verify the observance of ceasefire," the statement says.

The four agreed to continue the talks in the Normandy format on February 16.