Russian humanitarian convoys cross Ukrainian border

Two Russian Emergency Situations Ministry automobile convoys carrying humanitarian cargo have crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border and are moving toward Donetsk and Luhansk, the Emergency Situations Ministry told Interfax on Saturday.
"The customs clearance of the humanitarian cargo at the Matveyev Kurgan and Donetsk border checkpoints in Rostov region has been completed. After that, more than 80 vehicles started moving toward Donetsk and about the same number to Luhansk," it said.
The customs clearance procedures were conducted by Russian customs officers and border guards in the presence of officers from the Ukrainian border guard and customs services and OSCE Special Monitoring Mission members.
Each convoy is carrying more than 750 tonnes of humanitarian cargo, including food, medicines, construction materials, and essential goods.
This is the 12th Russian Emergency Situations Ministry humanitarian convoy for Donbas. The previous convoys have delivered more than 14,800 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.