Ukrainian human rights activists file motion concerning Euromaidan case to ICC

The coalition of NGOs and initiatives to combat impunity of crimes against humanity has filed a motion to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
The motion details numerous crimes against ordinary citizens committed over a three-month period by representatives of the government and government-affiliated paramilitary group (so-called "titushky"), which acted in concert, across the country, the Center for Human Rights Information reported on Thursday.
This is the second motion of the coalition's to the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC.
"Right now, the International Criminal Court is conducting preliminary studies of the Euromaidan case so with their second motion rights activists intend to convince the court to launch the main proceedings. The corresponding decision is expected in 2015," the report says.
The coalition of NGOs and initiatives to combat impunity of crimes against humanity includes Euromaidan-SOS NGO, the Information Centre for Human Rights, the Renaissance International Foundation, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, the Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner on Human Rights.
As reported, in February 2014, the Ukrainian parliament went to the International Criminal Court with an appeal to establish and bring to justice Ukrainian officials, including Viktor Yanukovych, for the crimes against humanity committed during the peaceful protests on November 30, 2013 through February 22, 2014.