PABSEC speaks positively of Verkhovna Rada elections

International observers of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) have a positive opinion on the Verkhovna Rada election campaign and the ballot held on October 26.
"The election very much needed by Ukraine has taken place…. It was very good," PABSEC Vice-President, observer delegation head David Saganilidze said at a press conference in Kyiv on Monday.
He welcomed the fact that administrative resources were not used in the elections.
As to the voter turnout, Saganilidze said it was lower than in the presidential election of May 2014. "Although the voters were less active than in the previous election… the 52% turnout is quite a number," the PABSEC vice-president said, admitting the natural existence of some violations and problems.
Ukraine held the early parliament elections on October 26.