13:13 03.07.2014

Cabinet approves anticorruption strategy until 2017, action plan to fight corruption for next six months

2 min read
Cabinet approves anticorruption strategy until 2017, action plan to fight corruption for next six months

The Ukrainian government at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday approved a draft law on the anticorruption strategy until 2017 and 10 top-priority steps to fight corruption for the next six months, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko has said.

"Today, the draft law was passed. It was drawn up by the Justice Ministry jointly with nongovernmental organizations. It is a systemic one and foresees clear legislative initiatives and clear steps to fight corruption that are to be approved by the parliament," the minister said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday.

He said that the cabinet also approved 10 top-priority steps to fight corruption for next six months.

Petrenko said that these steps are divided into top-priority blocks to fight corruption.

The minister said that they include the following measures: the provision for the adoption of the anticorruption strategy, the adoption of the new law on state service and the law on service in local government agencies, strengthening of punishment for corruption, the reform of the court system, the complete re-attestation of judges and the reform of the law-enforcement agencies.

The new law on the police will be presented by September.

By the next session of the parliament several draft laws on fighting the outflow of capital from the country will be submitted to the parliament.

Petrenko also said that it is planned to introduce the business ombudsman institution.

The draft law on the transparency of financing the political parties and election campaigns will be drawn up by November. It is also planned to launch a pilot project of electronic state procurement and propose to pass a draft law on the public character of registers.