11:18 06.08.2013

Turkey, Egypt still most popular among Ukrainian tourists, according to Tourist Business Association

2 min read

Turkey and Egypt still are the most popular holiday destinations among Ukrainian tourists, despite their political instability, President of the Association of the Leaders of Tourist Business of Ukraine Oleksandr Novikovsky has told journalists.

He said these countries still offer the highest level of services. However, the cost of the tourist vouchers has dropped because some tourists have returned tourist vouchers they bought earlier: while in 2012 the cost of a voucher to Turkey for seven days totaled on average $1,000, now it is $400-600 per person.

Moreover, Novikovsky said tourists who travel to Turkey and Egypt are in no danger.

The association's president also said the number of tourists traveling abroad is growing every year, although not as quickly as the association would like. According to him, increase is 10-15% per year.

As he said, the peak of the tourist season is the middle of July and the middle of August, when the number of the tourists grows by 50-80%.

In general, the number of Ukrainian tourists who travel outside Ukraine totals 1.5 million people.

A member of the Association of the Leaders of Tourist Business Larysa Slobodian said that over the last three years the number of the tourists who have bought tourist vouchers has quadrupled, from 3,000 people in 2009 to over 12,000 in 2012.