13:15 30.04.2013

Ukrainian, Russian sailors start planning Fairway of Peace 2013 drills in Sevastopol

1 min read

Sevastopol on April 29 hosted an initial planning conference on holding the Russian-Ukrainian Fairway of Peace 2013 exercises, the press center of the command of the Ukrainian Navy has told Interfax-Ukraine.

The conference participants decided on the proposed topic, training objectives, the organization of training, and the stages of holding exercises. In addition, they had a preliminarily discussion about the composition of forces and the venue of the exercises.

The proposed subject of the drills will be conducting anti-terrorist operations at sea in the area of responsibility of the two fleets, training objectives – the development of a shared view on the forms and methods of conducting anti-terrorist operations at sea, joint actions by the crews of watercraft and aircraft, search and rescue forces and inspection teams of the two navies.

As planned, Fairway of Peace 2013 will be held in the form of tactical exercises at sea, in three stages. The first two stages are planned for July 23, with the involvement of the ships and aircraft of the two navies, while the final stage is slated for July 28.