13:22 28.03.2013

Regions Party: Opposition trying to disrupt not only parliament, but also government

2 min read
Regions Party: Opposition trying to disrupt not only parliament, but also government

The behavior of UDAR Party MP Serhiy Kaplin at a government meeting on Wednesday shows that the opposition is trying to disrupt not only the work of parliament, but also that of government, the Regions Party said in a statement on Wednesday.

"Today [on March 27], at a government meeting, one of the opposition MPs present blatantly violated the meeting's rules of procedure, scandalously interrupting the discussion of a vital issue for the state. The head of government was forced to restore order and remove the MP from the meeting room of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Thus, the opposition demonstrated that it is trying to conduct destructive activity not only in parliament, the efficiency of which they have reduced to zero for many months, but also in the government," reads the statement.

"Obviously, at a time when the usual campaigning site for opposition MPs in parliament is not working, TV cameras at a government meeting act on them as a strong activator. It's not surprising that the overexcited MP today made an attempt to disrupt a government meeting (during the discussion of the anti-flood issue) with absurd statements, or rather shouting," the Regions Party said.

"The government remains committed to constructive cooperation, open to dialog and useful remarks that will help the cause. But there's no need to violate certain procedures for the consideration of proposals. The Regions Party also hopes that there are people in the opposition who can put the interests of the country above the ambitions of their leaders, because this is required in the emergency situation that has currently occurred in Ukraine and requires civil solidarity and the harmonious work of all branches of government," reads the statement.