18:00 21.03.2013

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry strongly recommends Ukrainians not to travel to Syria

1 min read

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine has recommended that Ukrainians not travel to Syria because of the worsening of the internal military conflict.

"Due to the further escalation of the national Syrian conflict, which today embraces nearly the whole of the country, the ministry again insistently recommends Ukrainian citizens not to travel to this country," Interior Ministry's press service reported on Tuesday.

The ministry advises Ukrainians, who now are in Syria, to be careful and vigilant and to leave the country as quickly as possible.

If Ukrainians encounter difficulties in trying to leave Syria, they should contact Ukraine's Embassy in Syria: + 963 11 611 30 16, + 963 11 667 00 95, + 96311 612 14 88; or Ukraine's Embassy in Lebanon: + 961 592 19 75, + 961 592 19 72. Moreover, there is a round-the-clock phone hotline: +38 044 238 16 57.