19:05 10.12.2012

EU expects Ukraine to conduct reforms that will help implement association agreement

1 min read
EU expects Ukraine to conduct reforms that will help implement association agreement

Brussels expects Kyiv to conduct the reforms that are necessary to prepare for the possible entry into force of the association agreement between Ukraine and the EU, according to conclusions approved by the EU Foreign Affairs Council.

In the conclusions, which were released in Brussels on Monday, the council noted the importance of the jointly agreed Association Agenda in preparing for a possible future entry into force of the Association Agreement and its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.

"Electoral, judiciary and constitutional reforms in line with international standards are integral parts of it and commonly agreed priorities," reads the decision.

The EU also stressed the need to make sustained efforts "to take forward the fight against corruption and public finance management reform, including the broadening of the remit of the Accounting Chamber."

"The Council calls upon Ukraine to take determined action to improve the deteriorating business and investment climate, and in this context welcomes the European Union’s and Ukraine's intention to launch an informal dialogue with Ukraine on business climate. The council also stresses the importance of inclusive reforms through constructive engagement between government, parliamentary opposition and civil society," reads the document.