11:31 24.10.2024

Zelenskyy on BRICS summit: We know that those who unite nations on basis of human values, UN Charter will win

1 min read
Zelenskyy on BRICS summit: We know that those who unite nations on basis of human values, UN Charter will win

The one who unites nations on the basis of the UN Charter and human values ​​will win the war with Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is sure.

"The UN Charter is about real peace, not about how to normalize war. And now, when some leaders of states have gathered at Putin’s summit in Kazan, when, in fact, past this summit of theirs, they can move the military from the northern country closer to the front in Ukraine, accompanied by words about allegedly preventing tension, we still know - it is not the crime that will win, not the one who destroys, not the one who deports, but the one who unites peoples on the basis of fundamental human values ​​and the UN statute," Zelenskyy said, speaking via video link at the third parliamentary summit of the International Crimea Platform on Thursday in Riga.