Ukraine discussing possibility of using immobilized Russian assets as collateral for issuing eurobonds – Shmyhal

Ukraine is discussing the possibility of using Russian immobilized assets as collateral for issuing eurobonds, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal has said.
"The discussion is extremely tough. There is no international legal framework. Today, there is no political unity yet. But we are working and insisting, we have put several proposals forward," he said on the national telethon Wednesday.
In particular, the proposals refer to the creation of an international compensation instrument consisting of the International Fund, the International Register of Damage and the International Compensation Commission.
"We are also discussing the proposal of British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs David Cameron regarding the use of Russian frozen assets as collateral so that Ukraine, using this collateral, can issue its eurobonds and receive budget financing for them. This is also an acceptable path for us. This collateral will be perpetual, interest-free, therefore, we will be able to attract the same funds. Formally, this will not be confiscation of assets, but an endless pledge until Russia reimburses these funds," Shmyhal said.
According to the prime minister, first of all, Ukraine insists that all sovereign assets of the Russian Federation in the amount of about $300 billion be confiscated and transferred to Ukraine for restoration and covering other needs, including military ones.