Ukraine cuts UGS stocks by one third since early heating season

Starting from the heating season that began on October 2, 2021 to January 16, 2022, Ukraine reduced natural gas reserves in its underground gas storage (UGS) facilities by 33.8% (by 6.329 billion cubic meters) to 12.372 billion cubic meters, according to storage operator JSC Ukrtransgaz.
According to the calculations of Interfax-Ukraine, gas reserves in UGS facilities in October decreased by 687.2 million cubic meters (average daily withdrawal – 22.2 million cubic meters), in November – by 1.984 billion cubic meters (66.1 million cubic meters per day), in December – by 2.511 billion cubic meters (81 million cubic meters per day), and on January 1-16 – by 1.146 billion cubic meters (71.6 million cubic meters per day).
Gas withdrawal on January 1-16, 2022 is 4.7% lower than in the same period last year (1.202 billion cubic meters). The maximum daily withdrawal since early January amounted to 91.9 million cubic meters (January 13), and the minimum one – 51.8 million cubic meters (January 6).