Turning point coming in gas market for RGC Group – Energy minister

For the companies operating under the brand name of the Regional Gas Company (RGC), with the introduction of restrictions on the price of selling gas to households, a turning point will come, which will determine their further role in the gas market, acting Minister of Energy Yuriy Vitrenko has said.
"For this group, the question arises: either they are changing their behavior or, in my opinion, the state, the regulator and even people cannot allow such dishonest players to control the critical infrastructure on the market," Vitrenko said in an interview with DW Ukrainian on Friday, noting that the price of gas from these companies is one third higher than the price of NJSC Naftogaz.
He said that the crisis on the gas market proves the urgency of this issue.
According to him, the determining factor in the work of the RGC will be its behavior after the introduction of restrictions on gas prices for households.
"Because of this limitation, let's see if they really play observing the rules, whether they sell at [UAH] 6.99 [per cubic meter]. And if not, how painlessly the transition of their consumers to the supplier of last resort will occur, what they will do... Will they steal gas, taking it from the main gas pipeline and falling into the so-called imbalances, the minister said.