Ukraine may announce tender for 5G frequencies in Oct 2021 – govt

The Cabinet of Ministers intends to approve an action plan for the implementation of 5G mobile communication system in Ukraine, which provides for the announcement of a tender for the issuance of licenses for the use of radio frequency (RF) spectrum for 5G in October 2021.
According to the action plan for the implementation of the 5G mobile communication system in Ukraine, the text of which is available to Interfax-Ukraine, it is planned that in order to analyze the RF spectrum suitable for implementation of 5G, to determine potential frequency bands and the conditions for their use, in November 2020 a separate working group will be created.
The action plan also assumes, based on the results of the work of this group in December 2020, to determine the need for research work in order to determine the cost of the RF spectrum in the 700 MHz and 3400-3800 MHz bands for the implementation of 5G, the possibility of joint use of radio electronic means by special users of mobile communications, and also to work out possible financing of such works from the budget.
In June 2021, it is planned to carry out work to determine the cost of the RF spectrum in the 700MHz and 3400-3800 MHz bands for the implementation of 5G, and in August to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers a draft amending the fees for issuing licenses for using the RF spectrum in Ukraine.
The action plan also provides for the announcement of a competition or tender for the issuance of licenses for the use of the RF spectrum for the 5G system in October 2021, subject to the adoption of the regulations provided for in the plan.
At the same time, in December 2021, it is planned to provide telecom operators with the rights to use the RF spectrum for the implementation of 5G based on the results of the competition.
According to the explanatory note to the document, as a result of the introduction of 5G, the Ukrainian economy will be able to grow rapidly.