13:17 05.10.2020

Kernel proposes to buy notes due in 2022 for up to $350 mln via issuing new five-seven year notes

1 min read
Kernel proposes to buy notes due in 2022 for up to $350 mln via issuing new five-seven year notes

The \ Ukrainian agricultural holding Kernel plans to place senior notes in the amount of approximately $300-350 million for a period of five or seven years, a source in banking circles told Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

Investor calls will begin on October 6, 2020. The organizers of the issue are JPMorgan, Credit Agricole and Natixis.

In parallel, Kernel announced the buyback of senior notes due in 2022 in the amount of up to $350 million. The early deadline is October 19.

Kernel is a manufacturer and exporter of sunflower oil.