Interpipe files lawsuit to European court against EC due to unfair duties on supply of seamless pipes to EU

Interpipe has filed a lawsuit against the European Commission to the European Court because of changes in the methodology of calculating antidumping duties on the supply of seamless pipes to EU countries, as a result of which final duties were not sufficiently reduced after the review.
Denys Morozov, the director for finance and economics at Interpipe, speaking on the topic "Trade Wars and Their Impact on the World Economy" at the Kyiv International Economic Forum, said that the company would defend its interests in court.
Morozov said Interpipe filed the lawsuit in September.
At the same time, during his speech at the forum, he noted that since 2006 the company's seamless pipes have been subject to a 13.8% duty. In 2019, Interpipe succeeded in reducing the rate to 8.1%.
"But the European Commission did not take into account all the arguments, so the company is suing the EC in the European Court," the top manager said.
Morozov also recalled that the EC in February 2019 introduced a quota procedure for the entire range of steel products from all countries. As a result, the quota for the supply of Ukrainian pipes is 95,000 tonnes per year. At the same time, the production volumes of the joint Ukrainian-European venture Vallourec Niko Tube were not taken into account. Moreover, in the summer of 2019, the European Commission revised and reduced the size of the planned annual quota growth from 5% to 3%. Currently, the EC is considering the possibility of banning the supply of products under the quota "other countries," if exporters "chose" the quota of their country, the director said.