10:38 09.08.2019

Antitrust agency imposes UAH 4.5 mln fine on Kropachov's companies for conspiracy at bids

1 min read
Antitrust agency imposes UAH 4.5 mln fine on Kropachov's companies for conspiracy at bids

Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) imposed a fine on Donenergoexport LLC and Trialtrade LLC in amounts of UAH 4.2 million and UAH 0.34 million respectively for the agreed actions during a tender in January 2017 held by state-run enterprise Krasnoarmiyskvuhillya, AMCU Head Yuriy Terentyev wrote on Facebook.

He said that investigation established that these two firms used a single IP-address and common means of communication, provide each other with a financial aid, submitted similar tender documents and electronic files.

"Thus all reveled facts demonstrate a coordinated behavior of the companies Donenergoexport LLC and Trialtrade LLC that falsified the results of the bids held by state-run enterprise Krasnoarmiyskvuhillya," Terentyev said.

He said that media, which find out more about the aforementioned affair, associate companies with Vitaliy Kropachov.