Consumer confidence of Ukrainians fall in April

The consumer confidence of Ukrainians deteriorated in April 2016: the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) was 49.1, which is 1.5 points lower than in February, GfK Ukraine reported on Monday.
"The drop in the consumer confidence index took place almost for all elements of the index, and the largest decline was seen for Index of Devaluation Expectations (IDE)," the company said in a press release.
Propensity to Consume index in April decreased by 2 point and reached to 49.7. Index of Expected Economic Conditions in the Country over the Next Year decreased by 6.2 points and reached 38.7.
Index of Expectations of Changes in Unemployment (IECU) increased by 3 points and totals 147.5.
Index of Devaluation Expectations (IDE) decreased by 8.4 points and reached 144.6 and Index of Inflation Expectations (IFE) totaled 185.5 (2.8 points lower than in March).
The company conducted the poll in the first half of April before the new government was appointed.