10:47 20.05.2016

EP to examine Ukrainian bank failures

2 min read
EP to examine Ukrainian bank failures

The mission of the European Parliament's (EP) Budgetary Control Committee intends to analyze the situation with bankrupt Ukrainian banks.

Head of the mission Inge Graessle said at a briefing in Kyiv on Thursday that the commission would tackle the issue of 72 bankrupt banks in Brussels, check all facts and make conclusions.

She said that the EP mission at meetings in Ukraine discussed the issue of 72 bankrupt banks and where the money that no one can find had gone.

Graessle said that progress in fighting corruption and conducting reforms is seen in Ukraine, but the pace of reforms has slowed.

She said that the conditions for providing macro-economic assistance of EUR 800 million are pending implementation by Ukraine.

Graessle said that it is important for the mission of the European Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee that reforms continue. She said that Ukraine receives financial assistance tranches for implementation of concrete obligations.

She said that European macro-financial assistance to Ukraine totals EUR 3.4 billion, EUR 800 million is provided for bilateral development and support, EUR 500 million for regional development, EUR 50 million for stability augmentation and EUR 60 million for humanitarian aid.

She said that the mission of the European Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee that first arrived to Ukraine met Ukrainian lawmakers, public figures and representatives of anti-corruption agencies.

Graessle emphasized the necessity of continuing reforms and implementing new anti-corruption laws that the Ukrainian parliament would pass.