14:34 26.01.2016

Geology service suspends three licenses of Ukrnafta

1 min read
Geology service suspends three licenses of Ukrnafta

The State Service of Geology and Deposits of Ukraine has suspended Ukrnafta's licenses for the use of deposits for the Holubivske (Dnipropetrovsk region), Yuryivske (Dnipropetrovsk region) and Lopushnianske (Chernihiv region) fields, its press service has reported.

"[The licenses] were suspended in January 2016 due to the infringement – the company's debt for the use of deposits to the national budget," the service said.

The press service said that after several appeals to the State Fiscal Service on the Ukrnafta's debt, concrete information was received only for three fields, and the rest of information was incorrect from the point of view of the regions.

"These three licenses were suspended by the State Service of Geology and Deposits with a 30 day period for removing the infringements," the press service said.

The press service said that the service in December 2015 also suspended licenses for the Romashivske field (Sumy region).

Public joint-stock company Ukrnafta has 94 licenses for the use of deposits.

Today the company's tax debt exceeds UAH 10.2 billion. The debt to the company is over UAH 18 billion.