Most Ukrainians believe situation in Ukraine to improve in the future – opinion poll

The majority of Ukrainians (66.1%) believe that the situation in the country will improve in the future, according to a survey conducted within the framework of the Ukrainian Society sociological monitoring after 16 months of the war.
"The large-scale invasion was marked by a significant positive change in the efficiency of the central authorities and the vision of the future of Ukraine (data from 2022). And if in 2023 the first indicator is gradually losing its positive color (positive estimates have fallen from 54% to 20%), then the second is surprisingly stable (decrease from 76% to 66%)," the researchers said.
At the same time, according to the opinion poll, the growth of the danger on a national scale, together with the striking national resilience of Ukraine, made it clear that even during such a war, the majority of the population lives in generally satisfactory conditions (about 60% adhere to intermediate estimates).
As for the assessment of the historical path of the state, the indicator turned out to be quite stable (about half of the respondent adheres to intermediate assessments). Satisfaction with current events also turned out to be a stable characteristic, but if, in the case of considering historical achievements, the assessments were predominantly of an intermediate nature, then in this case they were predominantly negative (for almost 60% of respondents).
As of November 2021, in a certain sense, pathological negativism was recorded in the perception of the state, which extended to two-thirds of the respondents. The large-scale war refuted it, demonstrating to the Ukrainians the real value of their own state (more than 80% gave positive or intermediate assessments). Further changes indicate a worsening of the situation (the number of positive ratings in 2023 fell by more than half), which is largely due to systemic negative events associated with government officials.
The Ukrainian Society sociological monitoring has been carried out by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 1994. The last wave of the survey was conducted in June 2023 (data collection commissioned by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was carried out by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS)).
The survey results represent the adult population of Ukraine, with the exception of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas.
The survey was conducted by computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) and exclusively by mobile phones. The field phase of the study lasted from June 17 to June 27, 2023.
The statistical error of the sample of 2,004 respondents with a confidence level of 95% is 2.2%.