13:34 01.08.2023

Herasymiuk: Construction of nationwide state digital multiplex is nearing completion

3 min read
Herasymiuk: Construction of nationwide state digital multiplex is nearing completion

Head of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine Olha Herasymiuk says the construction of the nationwide state digital multiplex MX-7 is nearing completion.

"The decision to create a multi-channel digital television network MX-7 in the range of 174-230 MHz was made by the National Council on December 5, 2019. Concern RRT was determined by the network operator, and a list of 158 settlements, channels and transmitter powers in the MX-7 network was approved. The creation of a multi-channel digital television network MX-7 is being carried out by Concern RRT on the basis of a presidential decree, which put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on certain measures to ensure information security," Herasymiuk told Interfax-Ukraine.

According to her, the development of a full-fledged state telecommunications infrastructure on the basis of a state operator is one of the ways to improve the coverage of digital television broadcasting in the regions of Ukraine.

"According to the information of the Concern, for example, the operation of MX-7 multiplex transmitters in the cities of Bilopillia and Trostiantsi, Sumy region, with a power of 1.4 kW will provide a coverage area commensurate with the coverage area of destroyed much more powerful analogue transmitters. At the same time, digital broadcasting will be the main advantage – on one frequency channel will be distributed up to 12 television channels," Herasymiuk said.

She said, for its part, the National Council has already announced a competition for a service provider for broadcasting needs of MX-7 with a nationwide coverage category, as well as a competition for a license to broadcast in MX-7.

"With the summing up of the results of these competitions, the regulator will actually complete its task. The announcement of the competitions became possible only now, since there was a need to regulate some legal procedures that require amendments to the law On media. On July 1, they entered into force... Now this path has been passed, and the development of a nationwide state digital multiplex, and this is a rather complex and lengthy project, is nearing completion," the National Council's head said.

Herasymiuk expressed hope that despite the difficult situation in the country, and in particular the economic situation in the media market, there will be a sufficient number of applicants for participation in the competition for broadcasting in the MX-7 multiplex, which will ensure that the multiplex is filled with diverse, interesting and useful content.

According to her, the National Council will make every effort in its power to complete the entire process in October 2023.