13:38 03.10.2022

Kyiv authorities call on its residents to return to wearing masks in public places due to COVID-19

1 min read
Kyiv authorities call on its residents to return to wearing masks in public places due to COVID-19

Kyiv City State Administration recommends that residents of the capital use personal protective equipment in public transport, visitor service areas and educational institutions.

"A respirator or a protective mask that covers the nose and mouth is suitable. Entrepreneurs are asked to update the labeling to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 m between visitors," Kyiv City State Administration said on Telegram.

It is noted that the incidence rate in the city is growing sharply – for a week, from September 26 to October 2, a total of 2,515 cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) were registered in Kyiv, 242 people were hospitalized, and 22 people died.