13:52 20.07.2022

Estonia allows revoking citizenship obtained by naturalization, incl for participation in war against Ukraine on Russian side

2 min read
Estonia allows revoking citizenship obtained by naturalization, incl for participation in war against Ukraine on Russian side

 Estonia has adopted a law allowing the revocation of citizenship from persons who have received it through naturalization.

"The government is granted the right by its decision to revoke citizenship of a person who has obtained Estonian citizenship by naturalization, in case of his admission to the state or military service of a foreign state or military organization, if such service is associated with a threat to public order or national security," reads the explanation to the amendments to the citizenship law adopted by parliament on Tuesday.

Thus, it is allowed to deprive of citizenship of persons taking part in military aggression against Ukraine on the side of Russia.

At the same time, persons whose military service does not threaten the security of Estonia cannot be deprived of their citizenship. For example, those who went to fight on the side of Ukraine to protect its territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence.

The Estonian citizenship obtained by naturalization can also be revoked in the case of a crime against humanity.

At the same time, the State does not recommend Estonian citizens to fight for any foreign state, as it cannot guarantee the protection of Estonian citizens in the zone of military conflicts.

Fifty-two members of Parliament voted for the adoption of amendments to the law, 17 members were against. There are 101 deputies in the parliament in total.