Sanofi, the pharmaceutical company, has donated 30 million doses of medicines for the daily treatment of Ukrainians since the beginning of the war

A total of 30 million daily treatments have been donated by Sanofi as humanitarian aid, potentially helping 20,5 million patients. The overall market value of Sanofi’s donations on the medicines is over 21 mln euro.
According to Sanofi, among the medicines that the company donated to Ukrainians are insulins, antiepilepsy and heart disease drugs, emergency medicines, etc., which could potentially help 20,5 million Ukrainian patients. The overall market value of Sanofi’s donations on the medicines is over 21 mln euro.
"Since the start of the war, Sanofi Foundation coordinates and accelerates the provision of humanitarian aid with life-saving medicines and vaccines to support patients in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees," – stated at the company.
One of the key areas of humanitarian support is the supply of vaccines. Sanofi along with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Health Authority (HERA), joined the initiative of European Commission which aims to ensure the coordination and distribution of medical emergency items, such as medicines and vaccines, to Ukraine, Moldova and EU Member States in the region.
"As part of this initiative, Sanofi donated 200 000 diphtheria and tetanus vaccines for Ukraine. This helped address the risk of epidemic-prone diseases faced by the refugee population, in particular children. A further 70 000 vaccines were distributed to Czech Republic, Slovakia and Moldova," – stated at the company.
One of the biggest humanitarian aids was done with insulins to support patients with Type 1 diabetes. Thus, the company supplied insulins to patients with diabetes in Kharkiv and Kharkiv oblast and responded to a request from the Ministry of Health to provide insulins for people from Mariupol who were evacuated to Zaporizhya via humanitarian corridors.
"Patients with diabetes received 400 packs of innovative insulins. Also, more than 2 000 packs of this innovative insulin were delivered to five different hospitals in Ukraine," – Sanofi informs.
Sanofi has donated insulin to the hospitals in Kyiv region (Boyarka, Vasylkiv), to Mykolaiv, Zaporizhya, Sumy, to the Institute of Endocrinology and Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Center of Endocrine Surgery in Kyiv for patients from Bucha, Irpin and Gostomel. Chernihiv Regional Clinical Hospital received the humanitarian support from Sanofi by the medicines for the treatment of cardio-vascular disorders and epilepsy and innovative insulin.
According to Yana Sayenko, Ph.D., endocrinologist, Sanofi's charitable insulin aid has allowed patients with diabetes to meet the need for the drug, which has been particularly acute in the first weeks since the war began. "There was no insulin at all in the occupied regions, so there were a few cases when patients died from not having access to treatment. It is especially valuable that the donation from Sanofi was done with analog insulins, which are safer and more convenient in difficult war conditions, when the patient's lifestyle is not always adequate," - said Sayenko.
As another example, Sanofi has provided humanitarian support for patients with multiple sclerosis who require continuous lifelong and expensive treatment. Thus, in April, Sanofi provided humanitarian support with more than 400 packages of an innovative drug for the treatment of MS, and in late May announced the provision of another 1 200 packages of this innovative drug. The medicines will be delivered to the humanitarian hubs in Lviv and Dnipro, where they will be distributed among patients.
Sanofi says that this amount should be sufficient by the end of the year, and it should meet the needs of those patients who are already on therapy, as well as new patients and patients who need to switch from injectable to tablet therapy.
"Because of the war, patients with MS often do not have the opportunity to maintain sterile conditions for injections or ability to ensure proper storage conditions, due to the lack of electricity in some regions. It is important for patients living with chronic diseases not to stop or interrupt their treatment, as this can have serious health consequences. At a time when the war is going on in our country, the issue of continuing therapy is becoming increasingly important,” - the company explains.
One more direction where Sanofi provides its support is the continuation of clinical trials and the participation of Ukrainian patients in these trials no matter where they are.
To support these patients the company established a hot line +441223777070. Responds will be given either in English or in Ukrainian.
Finally, Sanofi employees around the world have come together to show support for Ukraine and make personal donations to support Ukrainians. The total amount of such donations has surpassed 390 000 euros, which became a 690 000 euros total donation for the Red Cross thanks to the Foundation S matching of 300 000 euro.
Sanofi Ukraine employees are actively involved in different volunteer initiatives, both in Ukraine and abroad - helping those who left their homes and have no food, buying military equipment, fighting on the information front and many more.
As most Sanofi’s employees are people with medical degree, they volunteer to help sort out humanitarian medicines coming to Ukraine, including at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine warehouses.