09:50 28.02.2022

Denysenko: Ukrainian hackers down Kremlin.ru site

1 min read
Denysenko: Ukrainian hackers down Kremlin.ru site

Ukrainian hackers downed the Kremlin's website (Kremlin.ru) on Sunday and made public its entire telephone base, Vadym Denysenko, an adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs, has said.

"Last night, we implemented another initiative with the Cyborgs-Spam of Ukraine group. We hacked the Kremlin's website and made public the entire telephone database of the Kremlin on the Telegram chat bot 'Power of the Russian Federation,'" Denysenko told the Ukraine-24 TV channel on Monday.

Denysenko said that now the phones of the entire leadership of the Kremlin, as well as Kremlin pool journalists and public organizations are available to the public.

“What struck me the most is that the Kremlin serves a pool of fortune tellers. There are special fortune tellers on the list," he said.