PGO ensures compensation for UAH 230 mln of losses from tax evasion by ex-head of PrivatBank department to court

The Prosecutor General's Office sent an indictment to the court against the former head of one of the departments of PrivatBank (Kyiv) before its nationalization on the facts of deliberate tax evasion and official forgery, as a result of which UAH 230 million was reimbursed in damages.
The press service of the PGO said on Tuesday that during the pretrial investigation it was established that the said manager, when drawing up tax returns, illegally applied the zero tax rate when paying the income of a nonresident, instead of 15% provided for by the Tax Code, which led to a non-receipt of UAH 230 million in the budget.
On December 18, 2016, the Ukrainian government decided to nationalize PrivatBank and injected over UAH 155 billion into its capital.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of January 1, 2021, PrivatBank ranked first in terms of total assets (UAH 568.244 billion) among 73 banks operating in the country.