10:12 01.02.2021

Ukrainian draft law on transitional public policy being studied in Paris, Berlin - French ambassador

2 min read
Ukrainian draft law on transitional public policy being studied in Paris, Berlin - French ambassador

The draft law on the state policy of the transitional period, presented by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov, is being studied by France and Germany, said French Ambassador to Ukraine Etienne de Poncins.

"Currently, we are considering this draft law, both in Paris and in Kyiv. We also discuss it with our partners, in particular with Germany, to reach a common position. This is why I would prefer not to react now. A common reaction to this draft law will be out shortly," said the ambassador in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
At the same time, de Poncins stressed that elections in Donbas cannot be held until security conditions are provided.
"We very well understand Ukraine's concerns about this issue, which is of public interest. We share Ukraine's view that no election can be held until security conditions are secured. However, the goal must be to hold elections as soon as possible, as voting and ruling through elected bodies is a core condition of democracy," he said.
The diplomat also pointed out that the conflict in Ukraine should not be called frozen.
"In Ukraine, the conflict is not frozen, and I do not know whether it would be better otherwise. For the moment, we are focusing all our efforts on reaching results within the Normandy Format and in the Minsk process. This is our main objective. Maybe you know that my predecessor Ambassador Dumont is now one of President Macron’s diplomatic advisors. She visited Ukraine in December. She met with President Zelensky, and had a lot of other meetings. Ambassador Dumont is very much involved into the negotiations. She is working hard to obtain results for Ukraine and bringing peace to the region," he explained.