11:59 20.01.2021

PGO opens two cases on fact of criminal offenses by MP Dubinsky based on court decision

1 min read
PGO opens two cases on fact of criminal offenses by MP Dubinsky based on court decision

The Prosecutor General's Office (PGO), by the decision of the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv, opened two criminal proceedings in connection with the possible offenses of one of Ukrainian parliamentarians, the press service of the PGO told Interfax-Ukraine.

"The Prosecutor General, in accordance with the ruling of the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv, launched two criminal proceedings on January 11, 2021 on the fact of the possible commission of criminal offenses by the deputy of Ukraine," the press service said on Tuesday.

At the same time, the PGO noted that information was entered into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations about a possible deliberate tax evasion by the deputy (Part 1 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and legalization of property obtained by criminal means (Part 1 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The pretrial investigation was entrusted to the central office of the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI).

The press service of PGO does not officially name the deputy, but it is about MP of the Servant of the People faction Oleksandr Dubinsky.