Tanker Delfi causes oil spill again

The work on raising and stabilizing the Delfi tanker (owned by Mister Drake PC) that sank near Odesa again caused an oil spill.
"The leakage of oil products occurred due to the fact that the vessel continues to be raised and stabilized. The State Environmental Inspectorate will be able to calculate losses for environmental damage only after the Delfi tanker is finally removed from the Black Sea," head of the State Environmental Inspection Andriy Maliovany wrote on Facebook on Friday.
According to him, on Thursday, the State Environmental Inspection of Odesa region, examining the water area near the sunken ship, noticed spots and a gray slick of silvery color with a total area of 70 sq. m. Laboratory studies have shown an excess of normalized values of maximum permissible concentrations in water by 5.8 times.
To promptly eliminate pollution, representatives of Odesa branch of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority carried out urgent work near the flooded tanker using a sorbent.
As reported, the specialists of Cranship LLC on August 26, 2020 put the Delfi tanker sunken near Odesa beach on an even keel.
In November 2019, the tanker Delfi under the flag of Moldova sank in the Odesa Gulf.