Health Ministry approves unified protocol for of COVID-19 treatment in Ukraine

The Ministry of Health has approved a unified state treatment protocol for patients with COVID-19 coronavirus disease, said Health Minister Maksym Stepanov in a video message posted on the Ministry of Health' Facebook page.
"We have approved a unified state treatment protocol for patients with COVID-19. We did it during two days, and now all the doctors in the country get a clear algorithm for treating patients. Unfortunately, there is no vaccination or medicine for this virus. Moreover, no one is safe, and everyone may fall ill. But many countries that had encountered this invisible enemy before Ukraine already have effective experience in combating the disease caused by the new coronavirus. And we have set a standard of treatment based on the experience of these countries," he said on Thursday.
Stepanov also emphasized that quarantine measures had been strengthened for the safety of Ukrainians, and an increase in pay was introduced for physicians involved in the treatment of patients with COVID-19.
"Unfortunately, in a few weeks we will not be able to build a modern medical system, but we don't lay it on a shelf. We are simultaneously working on the reform," the Minister of Health added.