Shmyhal approves reinforced plan of fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal has approved a new reinforced plan of fight against coronavirus (COVID-19) following a meeting of the governmental anti-crisis headquarters for fight against spreading of COVID-19 in Ukraine on March 9, the media liaison department of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine said.
The prime minister also ordered heads of agencies to check whether the state reserve stocks have enough means of individual protection for the population for a three-month period and to determine the volume necessary for the replenishment of the state reserve until March 11.
He also requested information about domestic producers of individual protection gear and ordered to check whether they are capable of satisfying the demand of the population and medical institutions for individual protection equipment. The head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine was instructed to ensure fulfillment of the laws on economic competition and on consumer rights protection during retail sales of means of individual protection.
Shmyhal instructed the Health Ministry of Ukraine to develop a communication plan to determine the algorithm of actions if new COVID-19 cases are registered and to inform local authorities about it. He also ordered the ministry to consider development of a chain of centers for control over and prevention of diseases.
The prime minister also ordered to ensure health screening for everyone arriving to Ukraine from abroad and through the entry and exit checkpoints from the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas and Crimea, as well as to ensure that ambulance vehicles are on duty at each checkpoint.
By March 11, the Health Ministry and the Finance Ministry will submit their proposals on an increase in financing for the procurement of medical goods, individual protection equipment and diagnostics materials, including COVID-19 test kits, for Ukrainian laboratories.