Poroshenko ready for polygraph test live on air, not within Bureau of Investigation walls

Ukraine's fifth president and European Solidarity Party leader Petro Poroshenko said he was ready to answer questions using a lie detector live on television.
"I don't trust the SBI [State Bureau of Investigation], their management. I don't believe this investigation is objective and unbiased. At the same time, I am prepared to voice those questions – and I have a list of them – on Pryamiy [television] channel. I am ready to pass a lie detector live on Pryamiy," Poroshenko said at a briefing in Kyiv.
Earlier today, SBI director Roman Truba said that the next questioning of Poroshenko might involve the use of a polygraph. "We are not ruling out that the next questioning will be carried out with the use of a polygraph. This is nothing to be afraid of: all our staff undergo such psychophysical examination every year," Truba wrote on the Telegram channel.
Poroshenko currently appears in several inquiries, mostly as a witness. Thus, on August 12 he was at the SBI headquarters being questioned in connection with possible tax evasion when purchasing the Pryamiy television channel.