10:25 01.04.2019

Govt extends terms of decreased level of payments by heat suppliers, CHPPs to Naftogaz for consumed gas

1 min read

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has extended the term for the requirement of government resolution No. 867 (dated October 19, 2018 in relation to public service obligations, PSO) until May 1, 2019. According to the resolution, the required level of payment to NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy for consumed natural gas that allows uninterrupted gas supplies to heat suppliers and combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) equals to 78% and 60%, instead of 90% set earlier.

Government resolution No. 263 dated March 27, 2019 has been posted on the government's website.

As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers in resolution No. 867 extended PSO of Naftogaz Ukrainy to sell natural gas to households, religious organizations and heat producers until May 1, 2020. The government revised the formula for calculating the price of gas to sell under PSO, increasing it by 23.5%, to UAH 8,550 per 1,000 cubic meters (with VAT and transportation, distribution costs). The government decided to support heat suppliers in the conditions of the increase in the tariff for gas, setting the issue of payments of heat suppliers and CHPPs for natural gas to Naftogaz.