10:34 06.12.2018

UOC KP calls to abstain from speculations, rumors on election of primate of unified local Church in Ukraine

2 min read
UOC KP calls to abstain from speculations, rumors on election of primate of unified local Church in Ukraine

 The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC KP) has called on the public to abstain from comments and speculations on the upcoming election of the primate of the local Orthodox Church in Ukraine pending the Unification Assembly.

"I herewith ask you to use the primary source of information and not to listen to comments on rumors whose dissemination has only been preventing the decisions acceptable to all the parties to the process from being made. This, in my opinion, is the goal of spreading such rumors. This is what the Moscow-funded media of mass disinformation have been busy with. There are things in relation to which the best response is to keep silence," archbishop Eustratius (born Zoria) of the Kyiv Patriarchate wrote on Facebook, responding to comments on the likelihood of the head of the Kyiv Patriarchate Filaret running for primate of the unified local Orthodox Church in Ukraine.

Also, archbishop Eustratius (born Zoria) said people should wait "for official documents to arrive from Fener and not tell fortunes in a teacup."

Also, he recalled that Patriarch Filaret made a statement on November 19 about his stance on running for primate of the unified local Orthodox Church in Ukraine.

In particular, Patriarch Filaret on November 19 said he will give his reply to a suggestion by the bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate to run for primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at the Unification Assembly itself.

"Self-nomination of candidates for primate in the Church are not allowed for by the canons. I am grateful to the bishops for having confidence in me. I am also grateful for a strong support from the members of the Kyiv Patriarchate and the entire society. What my answer to the above-mentioned suggestion on being elected will be, if it is to be officially announced at the Assembly, I will officially announce at the Assembly itself," a statement by the head of the UOC KP said.

The Unification Assembly to create the local Orthodox Church in Ukraine is scheduled for December 15 to be held at St Sophia's Cathedral in Kyiv. The primate of the new Church and its statutes are to be approved by the assembly.