16:08 05.11.2018

European Commission expecting punishment for those responsible for death of Ukrainian activist

1 min read
European Commission expecting punishment for those responsible for death of Ukrainian activist

Carlos Martin Ruiz de Gordejuela, Spokesperson at the European Commission, has voiced condolences on behalf of the European Commission to the family and friends of Ukrainian civic activist Kateryna Hadziuk who died recently as a result of an assault on her that involved the use of sulphuric acid.

"As to the Ukrainian authorities, we expect that they will double their efforts to investigate this crime and bring all those responsible to justice," the spokesperson told a news briefing in Brussels on November 5.

At the same time, he said that the victim of the assault had been actively involved in the fight against corruption in Ukraine. He also said that other attacks on journalists and civic activists had taken place in that country.

"Ukraine is a democratic society, and we must strive to have the democracy protected in Ukraine," the spokesperson said.