Russian-masterminded attack on Babchenko aimed to destabilize Ukraine - Poroshenko

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday, May 30, met with Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko whose "killing" was staged as part of a special operation of the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, and announced that the Russian-masterminded attack on the journalist had several goals.
"I want to thank all Ukrainians who were not indifferent, who were ready to fight and act in order to save the country," he said, noting that the attack on the journalist was organized from the territory of the Russian Federation by a person who "owns a huge arsenal of weapons, can create arms dumps and organize terrorist acts."
Poroshenko said he firmly believes that such attacks are being carried out to destabilize the situation in the country: "In order to show the ineffectiveness of the authorities. And, of course, in order to kill those whom Russia is most afraid of."
The meeting took place in the presidential administration's building in Kyiv and the video of the event was posted on Poroshenko's Facebook page.
Poroshenko also thanked Babchenko and the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies for not letting Russia play out this scenario in Ukraine.
Poroshenko noted that no one at the Presidential Administration except him knew about the special operation was under way.
"I am absolutely sure that it could not have happened the other way," Poroshenko added.
According to the video, the meeting was also attended by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko and Chief of the SBU Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Hrytsak.