18:06 17.05.2018

Court returns Ukrainian passport to ex-Fiscal Service head Nasirov – SAPO

2 min read
Court returns Ukrainian passport to ex-Fiscal Service head Nasirov – SAPO

Kyiv's Shevchenkivsky District Court on Thursday returned the Ukrainian passport belonging to ex-Fiscal Service head Roman Nasirov.

Ukraine's Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) said on its Facebook page on Thursday that during a court hearing on May 16, judges ruled in favor of a petition by prosecutors and proposed apply procedural requirements in full for two months for the accused.

"At the same time, as per a defense petition arguing the accused needs to find work, the court ruled to return to Nasirov his Ukrainian passport," the messaged reads.

SAPO representatives in court on December 7, 2017 began reading the full 774-page text of accusations against Nasirov. To date, they have read 200 pages.

The next hearing is scheduled for 09:00 on Monday, May 21, 2018.

Investigators believe that Nasirov in 2015-2016, acting in the interests of MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko took a number of groundless decisions which resulted in damage to the state worth UAH 2 billion.

On March 7, 2017 the Solomiansky district court remanded Nasirov to pretrial confinement for two months, setting bail at UAH 100 million, while prosecutors from Ukraine's Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office had asked the court to set bail at UAH 2 billion.

On March 16, 2017 Nasirov's wife posted UAH 100 million bail for him. The court obliged Nasirov to hand all his foreign passports and other travel documents to the State Migration Service.

On June 2, 2017 Kyiv's Solomiansky District Court turned down a request by Nasirov to change the terms of his pretrial detention.

On July 28, 2017 director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Artem Sytnyk said that investigators of NABU had completed the investigation of the case against the dismissed head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov, who had been handed a final suspicion.