12:24 31.01.2018

NACP sends findings to National Police on revealing signs of corruption on ex-State Fiscal Service officials

2 min read
NACP sends findings to National Police on revealing signs of corruption on ex-State Fiscal Service officials

The National Agency for Corruption Prevention (NACP) has adopted a decision, by which it approved and sent to the police seven substantiated conclusions on the identification of corruption signs committed against former officials of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

"So, monitoring the timeliness of the submission of declarations, the National Agency found that former officials of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, as well as district inspections of the Main Directorate of the State Fiscal Service in the city of Kyiv had not filed declarations after their dismissal," the press service of NACP said on Wednesday.

The Agency, in turn, notified the relevant officials about the need to file declarations within the time period stipulated by law. However, despite receiving such reports, they neither submitted declarations, nor provided explanations or objections as to the validity of the reasons for their failure to submit.

"Conclusions, approved and grounded at the meeting will be sent by the National Agency to the Main Directorate of the National Police in the city of Kyiv," the report says.

At the same time, the National Agency notes that the approval of a reasoned conclusion and sending it to a specially authorized entity in the field of combating corruption is not evidence of a criminal offense committed by a subject of declaration, but is the basis for a pretrial investigation.