11:01 15.11.2017

UNGA to consider resolution on Crimea in late Dec

3 min read
UNGA to consider resolution on Crimea in late Dec

The UN General Assembly will consider the resolution "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol," proposed by the Ukrainian delegation, in the second half of December this year, according to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

"The next step will be the consideration of the draft resolution at a plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly in the second half of December 2017 and, most importantly, obliging the Russian Federation to implement it fully," the ministry said in a statement on November 14.

The ministry said that the submission of a new document for consideration by the UN General Assembly was triggered by Russian policy in the occupied Crimea.

"The current resolution aims to force Russia, as an occupying power, to stop gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms," reads the statement.

Diplomats also noted that a positive vote on the resolution was a sign of the world's support for Ukraine in the issue of Crimea's de-occupation.

"Firstly, it is support for Ukraine in the matter of Crimea's de-occupation... Secondly, the document calls for the implementation of an interim decision (order) of the International Court of Justice in the case Ukraine v. Russia, dated April 19, 2017, which has not yet been implemented by Russia... Thirdly, access to the peninsula for international monitoring missions remains closed. This issue has a direct impact on the everyday life of inhabitants of Crimea and therefore requires an immediate solution," the ministry said.

The ministry said that the resolution was one of the elements of ensuring pressure on Russia and opening Crimea for international monitoring.

On November 14, the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly supported the resolution "Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol" (A/C.3/72/L.42) proposed by the Ukrainian delegation.

The resolution, in particular, calls on Russia to take all measures necessary to bring an immediate end to all violations and abuses against residents of Crimea, in particular reported discriminatory measures and practices, arbitrary detentions, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and to revoke all discriminatory legislation; to respect the laws in force in Ukraine and to repeal laws imposed in Crimea by the Russian Federation that allow for forced evictions and the confiscation of private property in Crimea, in violation of applicable international law.

According to the resolution, the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly also condemns the illegal establishment of laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Crimea and demands that Russia comply with obligations under international law with respect to the laws that operated in the Crimea prior to the occupation.

The document also urges the Russian Federation to revoke immediately the decision declaring the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People an extremist organization and banning its activities, repeal the decision banning leaders of the Mejlis from entering Crimea and refrain from maintaining or imposing limitations on the ability of the Crimean Tatar community to conserve its representative institutions; as well as to ensure the accessibility of education in Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar languages.